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Pricing, Payment & General Questions

  • Do you offer services for businesses?

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  • Are Stackt movers insured?

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  • Do I have to pay for Pay & Display machines?

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  • Do my quotes include the congestion charge?

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  • Does Stackt charge more over Christmas or other holidays?

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  • How do I apply a promo code?

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  • How do I confirm and pay for my booking?

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  • How do I pay for my storage?

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  • How does Stackt process payments?

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  • If I sign up for a particular time period now, what am I committing to?

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  • Is it safe to pay online?

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  • Once my booking is confirmed, how do I receive confirmation?

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  • Parking restrictions

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  • What are your service areas?

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  • What equipment will your Stackt movers have?

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  • What happens if I move out before my time commitment is over?

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  • What happens if my payment is late?

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  • What happens next after placing my order?

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  • What may I be charged extra for?

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  • What payment methods do you accept?

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  • What price will I pay after my price plan ends?

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  • What services do you offer?

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  • What vehicles do you have?

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  • What vetting process do your Stackts movers go through?

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  • What will be included in my first bill?

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  • When and who do I need to pay?

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  • When do I start/stop being charged?

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  • When does my billing cycle start and end?

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  • When will I first be charged for storage?

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  • Will my plan automatically be switched to a smaller size if I remove items?

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